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Gottfried Reuse

Aha na aha nna Gottfried Reuse. Meaning nke aha mbụ, si, ndakọrịta nke aha na aha nna Gottfried Reuse. All online ọrụ.

Gottfried pụtara aha

Meaning nke aha mbụ Gottfried. Gịnị ka aha mbụ Gottfried pụtara?


Gottfried si malite aha mbụ

Mmalite nke aha mbụ Gottfried.


Gottfried aha mbụ definition

Nke a aha mbụ na ndị ọzọ na-asụ asụsụ, mkpoputa na pronunciation variants, nwanyi na nwoke variants nke aha mbụ Gottfried.


Olee otú ịkpọ Gottfried

Olee otú ị na-ekwupụtakwa Gottfried na mba dị iche iche na asụsụ?


Gottfried na ndị ọzọ asụsụ

Mụta otú aha mbụ Gottfried kwekọrọ na aha mbụ na asụsụ ọzọ ná mba ọzọ.


Gottfried ndakọrịta na surnames

Gottfried aha ndakọrịta ule na surnames.


Gottfried ndakọrịta na ndị ọzọ na aha

Gottfried ndakọrịta ule na ndị ọzọ mbụ aha.


Aha na-aga na Reuse

Kasị nkịtị na-adịghị ahụkebe aha na aha nna Reuse.


Gottfried kacha mma aha pụtara: Kechioma, Oké njọ, Eji obi ụtọ, Oge a, Ifịk. Nweta Gottfried pụtara aha.

Gottfried si malite aha mbụ. German form of Godfrey. This name was borne by the 13th-century German poet Gottfried von Strassburg and the German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716), one of the inventors of calculus. Nweta Gottfried si malite aha mbụ.

Transcription ma ọ bụ otú kpo aha mbụ Gottfried: GAWT-freet. Olee otú ịkpọ Gottfried.

Agakọta aha maka Gottfried na mba dị iche iche na-asụ asụsụ: Fredo, Geffrey, Geoff, Geoffrey, Geoffroi, Geoffroy, Gjord, Gjurd, Godafrid, Godefroy, Godfrey, Godfried, Godofredo, Godtfred, Goffredo, Gofraidh, Goraidh, Gottfrid, Guðfriðr, Jeff, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Jeffry, Jep, Joffrey, Séafra, Sieffre, Siothrún. Nweta Gottfried na ndị ọzọ asụsụ.

Kasị nkịtị aha na aha ikpeazụ Reuse: Kizzie, Kelsie, Rodney, Ben, Alfred, Alfréd. Nweta Aha na-aga na Reuse.

Gottfried Reuse yiri aha na surnames

Gottfried Reuse Fredo Reuse Geffrey Reuse Geoff Reuse Geoffrey Reuse Geoffroi Reuse Geoffroy Reuse Gjord Reuse Gjurd Reuse Godafrid Reuse Godefroy Reuse Godfrey Reuse Godfried Reuse Godofredo Reuse Godtfred Reuse Goffredo Reuse Gofraidh Reuse Goraidh Reuse Gottfrid Reuse Guðfriðr Reuse Jeff Reuse Jeffery Reuse Jeffrey Reuse Jeffry Reuse Jep Reuse Joffrey Reuse Séafra Reuse Sieffre Reuse Siothrún Reuse